The health care industry has looked to health IT, such as MyHealth, for communication solutions to enhance and augment their care management and care transitions improvement programs.
One approach involves sending automatic notifications or alerts from hospitals to primary care practices and/or care managers when a patient has a hospital admission, discharge or transfer.
These notifications and alerts are designed to improve the timely flow of information so providers and case managers can quickly and effectively address the health care needs of their patients transitioning from inpatient facilities to community care.
In addition to improved patient health status, these alerts and notifications are expected to facilitate a reduction in hospital readmissions.
Care Coordination
Provider Notification support communication between hospitals, primary care physicians and care managers who may not know when a patient is admitted to a hospital, or who may not find out until well after the hospital event. Notification allows the primary care physician to follow up quickly after discharge to ensure the patient is getting what he or she needs to be well.
Reducing Readmissions
Provider Notification reduce readmissions by helping hospitals communicate with the patient, and his/her physician of his or her admission to the hospital.
Automatic Alerts & Notifications
The health care industry has looked to health IT, such as MyHealth, for communication solutions to enhance and augment their care management and care transitions improvement programs.
One approach involves sending automatic notifications or alerts from hospitals to primary care practices and/or care managers when a patient has a hospital admission, discharge or transfer.
These notifications and alerts are designed to improve the timely flow of information so providers and case managers can quickly and effectively address the health care needs of their patients transitioning from inpatient facilities to community care.
In addition to improved patient health status, these alerts and notifications are expected to facilitate a reduction in hospital readmissions.
Care Coordination
Provider Notification support communication between hospitals, primary care physicians and care managers who may not know when a patient is admitted to a hospital, or who may not find out until well after the hospital event. Notification allows the primary care physician to follow up quickly after discharge to ensure the patient is getting what he or she needs to be well.
Reducing Readmissions
Provider Notification reduce readmissions by helping hospitals communicate with the patient, and his/her physician of his or her admission to the hospital.
Automatic Alerts & Notifications