MyHealth Access Network is pleased to announce the addition of three new members to its Board of Directors: Bob Bush, Dr. Benjamin Marsalis, and Jeanean Yanish.
Bob Bush has served as president and chief executive officer of CommunityCare, a Tulsa-based health care and health insurance company, since July 2019. Prior to his role as CEO, Mr. Bush served as interim CEO and chief financial officer at CommunityCare. He has spent over 20 years in the insurance industry and brings expertise in areas that include finance, actuarial, enterprise risk management, and statistical analysis to the MyHealth Board.

Dr. Benjamin Mansalis is the chief information officer at INTEGRIS Health, Oklahoma’s largest not-for-profit health care system. Dr. Mansalis has experience advising Fortune 500 leadership in creating and implementing data driven strategies and maximizing the value from technology assets. He brings a unique blend of clinical, operational, and financial domain experience to MyHealth’s leadership team.

Jeanean Yanish, PhD(c), MA, CFRE, leads the Health Alliance for the Uninsured, which provides more than 3,000 physician specialist services and $3.5 million of medication assistance annually for more than 15 free and charitable clinics in Central Oklahoma. She has more than25 years of professional, visionary, enthusiastic, relational and results-oriented nonprofit leadership. Through her doctorate work at UCO and Swansea University in the UK, she is the founder of the Live Love Laugh Leadership International Conference and Speaker program focused on whole person – mind, body and spirit health and leadership integration.
Her past expertise in leadership, fundraising and strategic planning as a non-profit professional includes the Green Shoe Foundation, Oklahoma Christian School and The Salvation Army. Jeanean was selected as the Journal Record’s 2020 Healthcare Hero Recipient, Edmond Chamber’s 2017 Woman of the Year finalist and the Journal Record’s 2018 Woman of the Year’s Woman Making a Difference recipient. Jeanean has deep expertise in turning visions into successes by serving people and giving back to her community. Jeanean serves on the boards of MyHealth, Roadmap to Health Equity Why, Rotary International, the Oklahoma Charitable Clinic Association statewide chairman and as an agency director with the United Way of Central Oklahoma.

MyHealth CEO Dr. David Kendrick welcomed the new board members and said that each brought a unique perspective and area of expertise to MyHealth’s leadership.
“Our membership consists of over 4,000 providers as well as organizations in virtually every corner of both the non-profit and for-profit health care sectors,” said Kendrick. “We believe it is important to have a Board of Directors that represents that diverse range of services and needs, as well as leadership that is wholly committed to the mission of improving health outcomes in Oklahoma. Bob, Benjamin and Jeanean are experienced, knowledgeable and passionate